Tree of Life- Ahnsahnghong!

Monday, November 16, 2009

God said in Psalms: 90:9-10: All of our days pass away under your wrath; we finish our years with a moan. The length of our days is seventy years-or eighty,if we have the strength; yet their span is but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass and we fly away.
In this way of life, we do our best to take care of ourselves to make the most of our lives here on Earth. We eat right, diet and exercise and take daily supplements. For those who are more fortunate, there are medicinal approaches to prolonging life like plastic surgery and the like. Due to many technological advances, many options have become available and accomodating that would not have been an option 50 years ago.
However, one thing is for certain in our way of life is this: beginning and an end. The one thing that we all share in common, whether poor or rich, young or old, caucasian or colored, privileged or not is Death. The subject of death is very sensitive and does not conjure up joyful thoughts. Instead, it stirs up thoughts and words of the unknown and the inevitable.
Even though, we are all destined to die because of the grievious sins we committed against God in heaven as previusly mentioned in the study of the Secret of the Forgiveness of sins, merciful Elohim God provides a solution to our problem of death.
Historically, many explorers, king and queens that span from India to China to Europe have tried desperately to find the elixir of life or as some know the fountain of youth but have failed miserably with each attempt. Only God can provide the solution to death which is eternal life because Elohim God have eternal life. The solution can only be found in the.... Bible!