Wednesday, November 28, 2007

It's been a few days since I've posted, but I'm back! This study is amazing...God asked us to enter through the narrow gate, but what does this mean? Is it a church with a narrow entrance that God is referring to? That would be hard to determine, wouldn't it? But according to the Bible, it is very clear as to what God means...and why this message from God is so very important. If we can understand this word, then we can understand why Christ Ahnsahnghong must be the Christ in this age! Let's see:

Matt. 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

First of all, what does this gate represent? Where is it, and where can we find it? For a long time I wondered what this meant:

John 10:7 "Therefore Jesus said again, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep."

Clear, right? Jesus is the gate that we should enter through...HOWEVER, according to Matthew 7, there are 2 gates! This means there are 2 Jesus in the Bible: one that many find and led to destruction by, and one only few find that leads to LIFE.

At first I thought, how could this be?! There is only 1 Jesus! What other Jesus is He talking about???

Actually, the disciples had already warned us about following "another" Jesus:

2 Cor. 11: 4 "For if someone comes to you and preaches A JESUS other than THE JESUS we preached...you put up with it easily enough."

Who is "a Jesus", and who is "the Jesus"? I was beginning to be confused when I started to think about who was the Jesus that the disciples knew and preached...

THE DISCIPLES PREACHED (& only a few follow):
THE JESUS who taught women to cover their head with a veil.
THE JESUS who said He would appear a SECOND TIME with a NEW NAME.

WE ARE PREACHED (many follow):
A JESUS who keeps Sunday worship.
A JESUS who keeps Communion.
A JESUS who keeps Easter, X-mas, other pagan holidays NOT taught by God.
A JESUS who doesn't teach women to cover their head.
A JESUS who denies the Second Coming of Christ with a new name.

Now judge for yourself, which is the narrow gate? Do many follow the Sunday-worship Jesus or do many follow the Sabbath-abiding Jesus?
Yes, indeed many follow "A Jesus" we have been preached since Sunday School when we were kids...but does that make it right? Is He the same Jesus we should be following???


But what gets to me the most is that people want to argue about the Second Coming Christ, when they don't even know about the FIRST COMING CHRIST!!!

When the Second Coming Christ appears, DO YOU THINK He's going to be keeping or teaching us to keep SUNDAY WORSHIP???!! CHRISTMAS??? EASTER??? PAGAN HOLIDAYS passed down from the Roman empire??? (Are you shaking your head 'NO!'?)

Exactly my point...I don't want to end up following the road to disaster just because many follow, you know what I mean??

Nowadays, the name of AHNSAHNGHONG is mocked and persecuted by those who have a lack of the knowledge of God (Hos. 4:6). They follow traditions taught by "A JESUS", rather than those given to us by "THE JESUS" in the BIBLE. If only they compared Christ Ahnsahnghong's teachings to that of Jesus Christ, it is clear to see that they are the same exact teachings He brought 2,000 years ago. What did Jesus say? Many followers doesn't indicate that it's the true path to salvation. But the narrow gate leads to life, and as the Bible says...


God bless you!


Dozer said...

Today sao many people believe in Jesus, but all they know is his name. Is like some guy in the street comes and says: "you are my best friend, i know you, and i love you", but all he knows is your name. that would be pretty weird and I am sure you would call the police. well in the same way that is how Christians are today. Thanks be to our Father Christ Ahnsahnghong and our Mother Jerusalem for letting us the truth that leads to Eternal Life, for re-establishing the World Mission Society Church of God.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that prophecy is being fulfilled. God's word is absolute. Thanks to God Ahnsahnghong and Mother Jerusalem, we have this truth!!

Anonymous said...

I always doubted what I was taught in sunday school I mean come on it is mentione din the 10 commandments that the sabbath was the seventh day of the week not sunday the first day...but when I saw that jesus kept sabbath I was floored...its true those who say they know first coming christ actually have no clue what He did or even taught....people need to do their research about Jesus Christ before they can say anything about Second coming Christ Ahnsahnghong!...

Amethyst said...

So many people in this world think that because the world follows the same thing then it is ok. However, according to the bible God only acknowledges those who follow his teachings. God doesnt care about number but those who truly love him and obey him. If we obeyed Jesus Christ word, we will be able to recognize that Jesus and Christ Ahnsahnghong is the same one God. Christ Ahnsahnghong is truly Second coming christ! if he was false, he would not teach us to keep sabbath or passover which Jesus himself taught.

CherubAngel said...

I used to follow A Jesus b/c i thought it was correct. But thanks to Christ AhnSahngHong I know follow The Jesus who came a second time in 1948 with the name of Christ AhnSahngHong.

Le0511 said...

Narrow gate is road to salvation, Jesus said. Even though ppl dont understand Christ Ahnsahnghong, who actually is Jesus, I dont care what they say. I dont want to be like mob mentality, I just care to follow the true Christ.

Seraphin of Sarah said...

Thank goodness we found the narrow gate it's not easy to follow the narrow gate but it's the one that leads to salvation Ill go with the Jesus 2nd coming Christ Ahnsahnghong so I can be: the few, the proud,the 144,000

Short144 said...

In this situation, majority DOES NOT rule! I'm so thankful to Father Ahnsahnghong for letting me be on the inside looking out, following THE Jesus and not A Jesus. B4, I actually used to wonder about this parable of the narrow gate, but now knowing Christ Ahnsahnghong, I not only clear on it, but being in Church of God World Mission Society I'm walkin' thru it!