The Truth..Soul cont'd (2)

Monday, September 14, 2009

In my previous blog, I left you with one very important question ..."what happens to our souls? Does it stay with the body or go somewhere else?....... If you go to the book of Ecclesiates 12:7, it reads " and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to GOD who gave it". Wow! God said "and the spirit returns to GOD who gave it". If the spirit returns to GOD, then where is God? Yes, GOD is everywhere because They are omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent! But, where is God's kingdom? In Ecclesiastes 5:2 it reads "... GOD is in heaven..."
Now, if we focus on the word return it means to go back to a place we have been to before. So, if I ask you, have you been to Europe before and you reply no, then obviously you have never been there before. In the same token, if I ask you, will you be returning to work tomorrow and you reply yes, then obviously you have been to work before. Considering this, God said our spirits return to GOD in heaven!!! How AMAZING!!! My soul, your soul, everyone's soul was in heaven before. We were angels in the kingdom of heaven with GOD Almighty! Did you know this before? How powerful and truly amazing are God's words! Actually, God allowed us to see more testimony confirming the fact that we were in heaven thru two recognized figures in the Old Testament. Do you know who they are?