The Truth..Soul cont'd (4)

Friday, September 18, 2009

In my previous blog, we were allowed so much understanding from GOD. Thru the wisdom given to King Solomon from God, he clearly testified that he was in heaven before with God. Let's see more testimony thru the Bible that we were in heaven before thru the story of Job. Do you know about Job? (Please refernce Job 1:1-22, 2:1-10) He was a very faithful servant of God. He had a large family, vast lands, abundant livestock and many servants. He was blessed by God. However, Satan presented himself before the Lord and said that Job was blameless and upright because God had given him everything. Satan was sure that if everything physically was taken away from Job, he would curse God. God allowed Satan to take everything away with the exception of laying a finger on Job. As a result, everything that Job had physically was taken away even his sons and daughters. However, Job did not curse God, rather, he shaved his head and tore his robe and worshipped God.
Job's second test came about when Satan again presented himself before the Lord. Satan was adament that Job would curse God if his flesh was struck. God allowed Satan to strike his flesh but to spare Job's life. As a result, Job was afflicted with painful sores all over his body that he even took a piece of broken pottery and scraped himself. His wife, at this point told Job to curse God. However, even in this painful circumstance Job did not curse God.
Then, thru all this what was Job feeling?